Anacostia Watershed Society Blog

To Levee or Not to Levee?

In the aftermath of any hurricane there is discussion about what worked, what didn’t work, and what can be improved. One of the frequent topics of discussion is levees and…
Understanding the Anacostia’s Water Quality Report Card During Earth Month AWS released the second annual State of the Anacostia River report card. The river received an overall water quality score…
As part of the Chesapeake Conservation Corps mini grant project, funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust, volunteers helped plant 85 native shrubs this month at Magruder Park located in Hyattsville,…
It's all about Emerald Ash Borers (Agrilus planipennis) also know as EABs, a ruthless insect invader from eastern Russia, northern China, Japan, and Korea.  How did it get here?  It's…
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