Anacostia Watershed Society Blog

Freshwater mussels were once highly diverse and abundant throughout the country. Especially on the east coast and the deep south, in that vast Coastal Plain region full of streams, rivers…
One way the Anacostia Watershed Society cleans the water before it gets to the river is through meadow restoration!  Riverside meadows help control flooding and provide a specialized habitat for…
This week our mussels traveled again!   After adjusting to life at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens (KAG), we transported 40 of our eastern pondmussels (Ligumia nasuta) to two elementary schools in Washington,…
The tidal hydrology of the main stem of the Anacostia River, as well as its location in the lower part of the watershed, have been historically a curse when it…
In the summer of 2018, we were proud to host the first Maryland Master Naturalist program in Prince George's County!   20 dedicated individuals (pictured below) joined us to learn more about…
About a week after we deployed our original stock of two mussel species in August (2018), we were lucky to add a new species to our mussel stock, the Eastern…
First of all, let us give a big shout out to all our great #musselpower sponsors: the DC Rotary Club, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the National Park Service…
Our freshwater mussel restoration project is up to a great start! We will tell the story on a series of blog posts, so, stay tuned! On August 21st (2018) we…
Update: The deadline has been extended to November 29th! The Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) and the Lamond-Riggs Citizens Association (LRCA) are seeking artists to create designs and paint murals on…
The Anacostia Watershed Society is excited to present the 2018 Anacostia River Heroes!  These inspiring individuals were nominated by the friends and neighbors for putting forth extraordinary effort to protect and…
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