When we all work together, the river gets better
The Anacostia Watershed Society Earth Day Cleanup on Saturday, April 21, was a resounding success! It was amazing to see so many groups from the community come together to work for a cleaner, healthier Anacostia River.
It was a hit on social media, and you can see some tweets collected in a “Moment” which you can peruse here:
An Earth Day Cleanup Worthy of The Year of the Anacostia!
One of our Watershed Stewards highlighted this strong partnership across the watershed with the video below! Hear from us and our friends at the Alice Ferguson Foundation, Anacostia Riverkeeper, Potomac Conservancy, and Rock Creek Conservancy, who all held stream and river cleanups in the month of April. The video highlights the unique challenges facing the waterways in our region, and invites you to participate and let us know what your experience was like.