Watershed Wednesday Happy Hour

Watershed Wednesday Happy Hour

From 10/30/19 6:00 pm until 10/30/19 8:00 pm

At Slipstream

Categories: Watershed Wednesday

Do you want to learn how the Anacostia Watershed Society's #MusselPower Project is doing?  Well, come to Watershed Wednesday Happy Hour on October 30th!

At this happy hour, you will learn about the Anacostia River's freshwater mussels and what the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) is doing to restore them. More than 70% of the mussel species in North America are considered imperiled but new developments in mussel propagation have made the restoration of some of the species a viable conservation alternative. With their amazing biofiltration capacity, mussels are emerging as a promising tool to help enhance water quality in rivers nation-wide.

AWS Natural Resources Specialist Jorge Bogantes Montero will introduce you to the wonders of these fascinating mollusks. He has led the #MusselPower project from its inception, and possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of the ecosystems of the Anacostia River. 

Many thanks to Slipstream Navy Yard for hosting us this month!  Here at AWS we are fans of their specialty cocktails and their tasty food. Thank you, Slipstream!

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